Author: "ELLIOT, I.L. / FLETCHER, W.K. (HRSG.) Title: Geochemical Exploration 1974. Proceedings of the Fifth International Geochemical Exploration Symposium held in Vancouver, B.C.,Canada, April
Description: Spublisher, "1974. 1-4, 1974, sponsored and organized by the Association of Exploration Geochemists. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1975. 720 S. mit 317 Illsur. u. 102 Tafeln. Ln.U. Developments in Economic Geology, 1 Einband: "unbekannter Einband. 1660
Keywords: "Bergbau/Geologie 0444412808
Price: EUR 28.00 = appr. US$ 30.43 Seller: Celler Versandantiquariat
- Book number: "7579b