Author: "ANGELELLI, IGNACIO / PEREZ-ILZARBE, PALOMA (HRSG.) Title: Medieval and Renaissance Logic in Spain. Act of the 12th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, held at the Univetsity of
Description: Spublisher, "2000. Navarre (Pamplona, 26.-30. May, 1979). Olms, Hildesheim, 2000. X/479 S. kartoniert - Neuwertig, ungelesem. Philosophische Texte und Studien, Band 54 - Einband: "Paperback/Taschenbücher. 750
Keywords: "Philosophie 3487111357
Price: EUR 33.00 = appr. US$ 35.87 Seller: Celler Versandantiquariat
- Book number: "2f803